October 28, 2022

Link Researchers with the Researcher Report

Navigate to the Researcher Report easily by clicking on the WoS Author Record name available in the table.

Link to researcher report.png


Researcher report.png


Search multiple ISSN/eISSNs by pasting them on the search box

Type or paste multiple ISSN/eISSN separated by comma, semicolon, spaces or rows in a spreadsheet. The search de-duplicates the ISSN and eISSN for the same journals and announces the number of ISSN/eISSN excluded from the analysis because are not present in the dataset.


Institutional Profiles update

Institutional Profiles data was updated in October 2022 and includes data provided by the institutions for the academic year 2019-20, bibliometric data from 2020, and reputation survey data from earlier in 2022.

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