February 26, 2021

We released the February data refresh today which includes Web of Science data up to the end of January 2021. Learn more about this refresh.

Citation Topic Cluster Label Changes for Some Categories

Based on customer feedback, we updated the labels for the following citation topics. See the full updated taxonomy.


Old Name New Name
1.119.454 Mammography 1.119.454 Breast Cancer Incidence
2.209 Spectrometry & Seperation 2.209 Spectrometry & Separation
3.35 Ornithology 3.35 Zoology & Animal Ecology
3.35.274 White-Tailed Deer 3.35.274 Species Conservation
10.240.657 Music 10.240.657 Music Psychology
10.240.1348 Music 10.240.1348 Music Theory
10.201.2302 Boswellic Acids 10.201.2302 Frankincense
1.105 Stokes 1.105 Strokes
3.232.1120 Dog 3.232.1120 Animal Oncology
3.232.1281 Bitch 3.232.1281 Small Animal Practice


Two New Chinese University Associations

  • Double First Class – Class A (36 universities in total)
  • Double First Class – Class B (6 universities in total

Updated Unified Publisher List

We revised the publisher names unified in the application.

Updates to the Funding Agencies

This data update for InCites Funding Agencies will bring with it re-balanced and more accurate unification, along with expanding the total number of Funders unified. This update was completed in order to bring the InCites Funding Agencies unification into parity with the Web of Science Funding Agencies unification, so Funders in InCites should have a similar number of papers unified in Web of Science and vice versa. More than 150 Funders in InCites will see at least one year of paper data double due to the new unification data, with 84 Funders seeing at least doubled paper counts. Very large and interconnected systems of Funders, like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, will see the most increase in unified papers. There may be Funder name changes due to the data switchover. Additionally, some Funders will show decreases in their papers when compared to the previous data update. Please reach out to us if you need more information.

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