A new application update was released today with the following features.
New Geographic map with zoom capabilities
With this release, we are integrating with a new visualization library (AMCharts) and replacing the existing geographic map with an updated version from this new library. This version will allow users to zoom in/out to analyze a country/region further and export the map with a particular country highlighted (with tooltip).
New dropdown to search and copy-paste RID/ORCID
The Unique ID Search option within the Researcher search filter is an additional new way to search for a Researcher which allows you to not only search for Web of Science Researcher ID and ORCID in the same box but also allows to copy-paste a bunch of IDs and let the application resolve them for you. The IDs can be separated via a comma or a semi-colon or both.
The Unique ID Search with copy-paste functionality is available in Person Name or ID and Collaboration with People fields in all entities. We have tested successfully with up to 500 identifiers but more number should be supported. We will soon expand the copy-paste ability to all filters in the application.
We have updated our system requirements and will retire support for Internet Explorer on May 31, 2021. Please contact our support team if you have any questions.