New Green Submitted indicator
Earlier this summer, the Web of Science introduced a new open access type: green submitted. These are published documents with a submitted version in a green repository. Green submitted documents are publicly available versions of published manuscripts that lack changes from peer review and any publisher input. As with our other open access types, this data is provided by Our Research (UnPaywall).
Submitted are now available in InCites as both indicators and an open access filter.
Updated open access labels
Open access is now defined by both the Web of Science and InCites in the following categories:
Gold (formerly DOAJ gold)
We have ceased using DOAJ as a source for identifying gold journals owing to data changes (they have removed the gold first published date) – we now take gold status from Our Research (UnPaywall). These are documents published in gold open access titles (for example, PLOS One, Scientific Reports). Gold is defined by the documents having an open license (Creative Commons).
Gold - Hybrid (former Other Gold)
We have redefined these as hybrid – documents published in a non-gold journal with an open license.
Free to Read (formerly Bronze)
These are publicly accessible documents on a publisher's site with no identifiable open license. Many publishers will release content after an embargo period or allow a limited period of free access post-publication, so this category may change over time.
Green Published (unchanged)
Final published versions hosted in a green repository (usually after an embargo period), e.g. in PubMed Central.
Green Accepted (unchanged)
Accepted versions of manuscripts in a green repository (often without copy and other editing, and with no publisher typesetting).
Green Submitted (new)
Described above.