Now on InCites: A new experience for system reports
With this release, we’re excited to bring a new experience for System Reports starting with a new report called Organization Report.
System reports provide a quick overview of a topic. They’re pre-built with analysis that answer specific questions. You can use a system report to kickstart a custom report or share with a colleague to show them how they could benefit from InCites.
Streamlined Structure
The structure within this report is streamlined, making it clear what you can learn from each analysis in the report. It organizes analysis thematically into several tabs, including research performance, collaboration, and most cited documents. Some content within each tab is further organized with section titles.
Name Selection
As with the current experience, the system report initially provides a sample name, such as Harvard University. If the user enters a different value, the system report remembers that value.
New Functionality
It is now possible to adjust the date range and include or exclude ESCI in the new system report.
The save and share functionalities for each individual tile and on the whole report continue to work with
this new system report. Additionally, we have provided options to download the visualization as an
image (PNG) file (Not available for Internet Explorer 11) or a PDF.