Schema Scope
The China SCADC categories are based on the degree-granting and academic training directory as announced and published by the State Council Academic Degree Committee (SCADC) and Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in April 2018.
The classification of China SCADC subject categories has two levels of category hierarchy: one higher level and one more granular detailed level. There are 13 broad-level categories represented by two-digit codes and 96 more granular categories numbered according to the broader category in which they fall. For example, Biology (0710) will roll up into Natural Science (07).
Schema Type
China SCADC subject categories are mapped to Journals/Books/Series publications covered in Web of Science Core Collection.
We have mapped the Journals/Books/Series publications from Web of Science Core Collection to each individual classification of China SCADC subject categories.
Research Areas
Subject 13 Broad Research Areas
- 01 Philosophy
- 02 Economics
- 03 Law
- 04 Education
- 05 Literature
- 06 History
- 07 Natural Science
- 08 Engineering
- 09 Agriculture
- 10 Medicine
- 12 Management
- 13 Arts
- 14 Cross-field
Subject 97 Narrow Research Areas
- 0101 Philosophy
- 0201 Theoretical Economics
- 0202 Applied Economics
- 0301 Law
- 0302 Political Science
- 0303 Sociology
- 0304 Ethnology
- 0401 Education
- 0402 Psychology
- 0403 Physical Education and Sport Science
- 0502 Foreign Language and Literature
- 0503 Journalism and Communication
- 0601 Archaeology
- 0602 History of China
- 0603 World History
- 0701 Mathematics
- 0702 Physics
- 0703 Chemistry
- 0704 Astronomy
- 0705 Geography
- 0706 Atmospheric Science
- 0707 Marine Science
- 0708 Geophysics
- 0709 Geology
- 0710 Biology
- 0711 Systems Science
- 0712 History of Science and Technology
- 0713 Ecology
- 0714 Statistics
- 0801 Mechanics
- 0802 Mechanical Engineering
- 0803 Optical Engineering
- 0804 Instrumentation Science and Technology
- 0805 Materials Science and Engineering
- 0806 Metallurgical Engineering
- 0807 Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
- 0808 Electrical Engineering
- 0809 Electronic Science and Technology
- 0810 Information and Communication Engineering
- 0811 Control Science and Engineering
- 0812 Computer Science and Technology
- 0813 Architecture
- 0814 Civil Engineering
- 0815 Hydraulic Engineering
- 0816 Surveying and Mapping
- 0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology
- 0818 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
- 0819 Mining Engineering
- 0820 Oil and Natural Gas Engineering
- 0821 Textile Science and Engineering
- 0822 Light Industry Technology and Engineering
- 0823 Transportation Engineering
- 0824 Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
- 0825 Aerospace Science and Technology
- 0826 Armament Science and Technology
- 0827 Nuclear Science and Technology
- 0828 Agricultural Engineering
- 0829 Forestry Engineering
- 0830 Environmental Science and Engineering
- 0831 Biomedical Engineering
- 0832 Food Science and Engineering
- 0833 Urban and Rural Planning
- 0834 Landscape Architecture
- 0835 Software Engineering
- 0836 Biotechnology and Bioengineering
- 0837 Safety Science and Engineering
- 0839 Cyberspace Security
- 0901 Crop Science
- 0902 Horticulture
- 0903 Agricultural Resource and Environment Sciences
- 0904 Plant Protection
- 0905 Animal Science
- 0906 Veterinary Medicine
- 0907 Forestry
- 0908 Fisheries
- 0909 Grassland Science
- 1001 Basic Medicine
- 1002 Clinical Medicine
- 1003 Stomatology
- 1004 Public Health and Preventive Medicine
- 1005 Chinese Medicine
- 1007 Pharmaceutical Science
- 1008 Chinese Materia Medica
- 1009 Special Medicine
- 1010 Medical Technology
- 1011 Nursing
- 1201 Management Science and Engineering
- 1202 Business Administration
- 1203 Economics and Management of Agriculture and Forestry
- 1204 Public Administration
- 1205 Library and Information Science & Archive Management
- 1301 Art Theory
- 1302 Music and Dance
- 1303 Drama Film and Television
- 1304 Fine Art
- 1305 Design
- 1401 Cross-field
中国国务院学位委员会学科分类(China SCADC Subject Categories, CSSC) 是基于中华人民共和国国务院学位委员会(State Council Academic Degree Committee, SCADC)和教育部颁布的《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2018年4月更新)》的学科分类。
CSSC分类分两级:有13个大的学科门类,代码为二位阿拉伯数字,和111个细化的一级学科,代码为四位阿拉伯数字。代码的编排遵循学科门类和一级学科之间的等级关系,例如:一级学科生物学 Biology (CSSC – 0710) 属于学科门类理学 Natural Science (CSSC – 07)。完整的CSSC分类可参见。
Web of Science 核心合集与中国国务院学位委员会学科分类的映射
此次更新的13个门类和97个一级学科采用了新的映射方法, 即以期刊为单位进行一级学科的匹配和映射。首先根据《学位授予和人才培养一级学科简介》, 明确各一级学科的学科范围和内涵, 然后研读每一本期刊的Aim and Scope,将期刊对应到相关的一级学科中, 有的期刊会对应到两个或三个一级学科。目前1401 Cross-field包括的是Web of Science学科分类Multidisciplinary Sciences中的期刊/学术著作/系列出版物。此外, 1个学科门类(即11 军事学)被排除在本次学科映射之外。
Web of Science 核心合集所收录的期刊/学术著作/系列出版物与CSSC学科的映射将在未来不断地进行改进和更新。如果您需要该映射表, 请联系您的客户经理。