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Domestic Collaborations
Papers with 2 or more authors, 2 or more distinct addresses & Organizations and all addresses in the same country.
% Domestic Collaborations
The number of Domestic collaborations for an entity divided by the total number of documents for the same entity represented as a percentage.
International Collaborations
Papers that contain one or more international co-authors.
% of International Collaborations
The number of international collaborations for an entity divided by the total number of documents for the same entity represented as a percentage.
This is an indication of an institution's or author’s ability to attract international collaborations.
Industry Collaborations
Papers that contain two or more Organizations with at least one Organization listing its organization type as corporate or global corporate.
When a corporate or a global corporate organization is searched in InCites, its publications will be captured in the Industry Collaboration indicator.
% Industry Collaborations
An industry collaborative publication is one that lists its organization type as “corporate” or "global corporate" for one or more of the co-author’s affiliations.
The % of Industry Collaborations is the number of industry collaborative publications for an entity divided by the total number of documents for the same entity represented as a percentage.
When a corporate or a global corporate organization is searched in InCites, its publications will be excluded in the calculation of % of Industry Collaborations indicator, so that in the case of having a 0 value, it means that the specific corporate has not publications with other corporates. This rule only applies for the Organizations explorer.
It's not possible to unify data for every affiliation of all publications in InCites, therefore only unified entities have an organization type. There will be corporate affiliations that are not yet unified and without an organization type. As such, these affiliations will not identify as an industrial collaboration. Clarivate Analytics has made considerable efforts to identify the largest corporations and unify them; however, these efforts tend to focus on large multinational corporations and may lead to regional bias. In the future, an increase in unified organizations will increase the number of industry collaborative papers.
Organization Only Collaborations
Papers that contain more than one authors with the same organization and same country.
% of Organization Only Collaborations
Percentage of Papers that contain more than one authors with the same organization and same country.