The InCites Explorer

The InCites Explorer is a tool for analyzing the People, Organizations, Regions, Research Areas, Journals, Books, Conference Proceedings and Funding Agencies included in the InCites dataset and is powered by the Web of Science Core Collection indexes. Data in InCites is updated monthly (usually towards the end of the month) and is based on the Web of Science data extracted towards the end of the previous month. The data update schedule for InCites is available here.

After registration and sign-in, you will be directed the main landing page within the application where InCites data is organized in to three main boxes as shown below.

The header bar at the top serves as a quick access toolbar where you can jump of each individual entity or reports or organize your data into folders and dashboards.

The question mark at the bottom right is called as the “Resource Center” and allows you to view Product Announcements, Guides and walk-throughs.


The three main boxes in the center of the page navigates you to three different places in the application as shown below.


Start an Analysis will navigate you to “Analysis Landing” page, where we have provided sample walk-throughs for most frequent used cases.


Explore Reports will navigate you to “Reports Landing” page, where you can either jump on an existing Overview Report or create your own report.


Note: The “Department” report is only visible to My Organization subscriber.


Organize your Projects will navigate you to an updated version of “My Folders” page where you can organize your saved reports and datasets.


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