Explore Emerging Topics

There are two ways to explore Emerging Topics in Research Horizon Navigator

  1. Search by Document Keywords or Web of Science Categories
  2. Browse the Subject Groups

Search By Document Keywords or Web of Science Categories

To search by a keyword, type the keyword in the search box on the Research Horizon Navigator landing page. Note that this searches the document keywords. As a user types, Horizon Navigator will show them Web of Science subject categories that match the text they have entered. To search on text entry only, push enter after entering text. This will return a list of Emerging Topics that contain documents with that keyword.



After selecting a Web of Science subject category or searching on a keyword, users will be directed to the Emerging Topic Table.

Browse Subject Groups

Users can browse emerging topics within the Web of Science subject categories by selecting one of the subject groups on the Horizon Navigator home page.


After selecting a subject group, users see the number of Web of Science categories within that group and the number of emerging topics within each category.




Users can view the emerging topics within a category by clicking on the title of the category or the value in the Emerging Topics column. Users can view all emerging topics within the subject group by clicking on View All Emerging Topics.


Once a user clicks on an Emerging Topic or views all Emerging Topics, they will be directed to the Emerging Topic Table.

Emerging Topic Table

The Emerging Topic table displays the complete list of Emerging Topics. The table displays the following fields.

  1. Emerging Topic (Title generated by AI)
  2. Emerging Topic Category (Title generated by AI)
  3. Primary Category
  4. Secondary Category
  5. Number of Papers
  6. Mean Co-Citing Publication Year
  7. Interdisciplinarity Index
  8. Number of Core Papers
  9. Number of Co-Citing Papers


Search within a list of Emerging Topics

Users can search within the list of emerging topics using the search options in the left side menu.



Emerging Topics Category filter

The Emerging Topics Category filter, located in the left-side panel on the Emerging Topics page, enables filtering of emerging topics by their assigned Emerging Topic Category. Selecting a category narrows the list to display only the emerging topics within that category, making it easier to focus on specific research domains.

This filter improves topic exploration and can be used alongside other filters, such as keyword search and organization filters.

Filter a list of Emerging Topics

Users can filter the list of emerging topics using the filters in the left side menu. The list can be filtered by:

  1. Organization: The organization filter allows users to filter the list of topics to only those topics the include at least one paper with an author affiliated with that organization. For example, if a user filters by University of California, then only emerging topics that include a paper with an author affiliation of University of California will be included.
  2. Countries/Regions: The countries/regions filter allows users to filter the list of emerging topics to only those that include at least one paper with an author affiliation within that country or region.
  3. Web of Science Categories: The Web of Science Categories filter allows users to filter the list of emerging topics to only those that include at least one paper with the selected categories.
  4. Funding Agencies: The funding agencies filter allows users to filter the list of emerging topics to only those that include at least one paper that was funded by a specific agency.
  5. Authors: The author filter allows users to filter the list of emerging topics to only those topics that include at least one paper authored by a specific person.

Filter Operation Logic

  1. Different Filters (AND Operation):

    • When you select filters from different categories (e.g., Organization and Author), an AND operation is applied.
    • This means only topics that meet all selected criteria will be shown.
      and different filters.jpg
  2. Multiple Values from One Filter (OR Operation):

    • When you select multiple values from the same filter (e.g., University of California and Harvard University), an OR operation is applied after clicking the Refine button.
    • This means topics that meet any of the selected criteria will be included in the results.
      same filter or operation.jpg
  3. Sequential Selections from the Same Filter (AND Operation):

    • When you first select a value from a filter (e.g., University of California), refine the search, and then select another value (e.g., Harvard University) from the same filter, an AND operation is applied between the selections.
    • This means only topics that meet both criteria will be shown.
      and operation same filter.jpg

This structure allows for flexible and targeted searching based on user needs!

Viewing the Papers within an Emerging Topic

To view the papers that make up an emerging topic, click on the title of the emerging topic.


Emerging Topic Explorer

The emerging topic explorer consists of 3 sections:

  1. The list of papers
  2. The network citation map
  3. The paper details

Network Citation Map

The network citation map provides a visual representation of all the core and co-citing papers that make up an emerging topic.

The network map will be populated only for emerging topics with less than 500 papers.


The visual is interactive. Hovering over a bubble in the map will display the paper details in the panel on the right. It also highlights the links between that paper and others within the topic. A yellow link indicates that a paper was cited by those it is connected to. An orange link indicates that the paper cited those it is connected to.



Clicking on a bubble freezes it within the map allowing users to manually walk through the map.


Emerging Topic Details

To view the details of an emerging topic, click on View Details from the explorer view.



The detailed view of an emerging topic has 4 sections

  1. Citation Topics and Author Keywords
  2. Field Interdisciplinarity
  3. Top Contributors
  4. Contributing Papers

Citation Topics and Author Keywords

Users can view a word map composed of meso topics, micro topics, or author keywords. The word map provides a quick way for users to identify what the most frequent topics with an Emerging Topic are.


Field Interdisciplinarity

There are two visualizations within Field Interdisciplinarity.

Subject Diversity

The subject Diversity table lists pairs of Journal Subject Categories (JSCs) that are co-cited by the core papers, despite traditionally being unrelated and rarely cited together.


Interdisciplinarity Index

The Interdisciplinarity Index measures how broadly an emerging research topic integrates ideas from different fields. This index is calculated by examining the variety of Web of Science categories that the cited and co-citing papers are assigned to, with more diverse citations indicating higher interdisciplinarity. The interdisciplinarity rank ranges from 0 to 1. A score of 0 indicates that the core and co-citing papers are all within the same Web of Science category. A score of 1 indicates that that papers are evenly distributed across Web of Science categories.

The figure shows the Interdisciplinarity Index for the papers the comprise the selected emerging topic compared to the minimum, maximum, and average Interdisciplinarity Index for all of the Emerging Topics in that dataset.


Top Contributors

Under Top Contributors, users can view the top Organizations, Funding Agencies, Authors, and Countries/Regions contributing core or co-citing papers to the Emerging Topic. The table can be filtered by all papers (both core and co-citing), core papers only, or co-citing papers only.


To view contributing papers in Web of science, click on the number of papers in any of the three columns (total papers, core papers, co-citing papers).


Contributing Papers

View all papers (core and co-citing) contributing to the Emerging Topic under the Contributing Papers table. The table lists the title of each paper, whether it is core and/or co-citing, the authors, journal, year of publication, number of citations, and document type.

Individual papers can be viewed in Web of Science by clicking on a paper title. To view the complete list of contributing papers in the Web of Science, click on View All in Web of Science.




To conduct additional analyses on the papers that contribute to an Emerging Topic, view the papers in the Web of Science and then export from Web of Science as a dataset into InCites. This allows users to apply the full scope of analyses available in InCites to an emerging topic.



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