The Essential Science Indicators schema includes all documents from Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Science Citation Index. However, Citations from the full Web of Science core collection are accounted for in this schema. This "schema" is different from the Essential Science Indicators "product" which is limited to the articles and reviews from Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Science Citation Indexes.
Journal Coverage
Documents for Essential Science Indicators are derived from over 12,000 journals indexed in Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index only). Citation counts for these articles are derived from journals indexed in all Web of Science Core Collection indexes.
Each journal (in Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index only) is assigned to one of 22 research fields. In ESI, a journal can be assigned to only one field. Journals such as Science and Nature are categorized as multidisciplinary since they publish research in many different fields. As a result, papers published in these multidisciplinary journals are assigned to a field based on the representation of the cited journals. For example, if most cited references in the paper are to neuroscience journals, the paper is then categorized as neuroscience.
Journal List
The current journal coverage for Essential Science Indicators is available here.
Research Areas
- Agricultural Sciences
- Biology & Biochemistry
- Chemistry
- Clinical Medicine
- Computer Science
- Economics & Business
- Engineering
- Environment/Ecology
- Geosciences
- Immunology
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Multidisciplinary
- Neuroscience & Behavior
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Physics
- Plant & Animal Science
- Psychiatry/Psychology
- Social Sciences, general
- Space Science